Medical Writing Services Effectively Communicate Knowledge and Data in Healthcare

Medical Writing Services

Medical writing is a specialized field that requires extensive knowledge and expertise in writing for medical, pharmaceutical publications. It might target healthcare professionals, regulatory bodies, researchers, sales personnel or may be to educate patients. The work flow for medical writing may vary depending on the type and requirement of document, target audience, and the organization’s standard operating procedures. Ever developing area of medical and pharmaceutical research demands continuous communication to different audiences and unimpeded disseminating of information to public domain. Similarly regulatory authorities also need to keep a tight monitoring on pharmaceutical and ongoing medical research. This entire process from drug discovery to post market research, requires various publications and regulatory submissions, giving rise to a wide spread field of medical writing that spans across a wide range of document preparation.

Writing such wide variety of manuscripts ranging from complex regulatory submissions to relatively simpler educational articles, comes under purview of medical writing services. A professional medical writer can help the research organizations to analyze, organize, and present their data in most accurate and effectively to achieve a set goal such as getting published in a high impact journal, getting additional research funding, or acceptance for their work by their professional peers or the regulators.

Depending upon the purpose and target audience, medical writers provide a number of different services. Wide variety of regulatory writing services include document preparation for filing

Investigational New Drug (IND), New Drug Application (NDA), Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), preparation and review of clinical-trails-drug-development process/clinical trial protocols for different phases of clinical research, preparing documents like Clinical Study Report (CSR), Investigator Brochures, Informed Consent Forms, Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSUR), Periodic Adverse Drug Experience Reports (PADER), Statistical Analysis Plans, Patient Safety Narratives; compiling and reviewing regulatory documents viz. Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) Module, Biologic License Application (BLA), Investigational Device Exemption (IDE), Clinical Trial Application clinical-trial-application-cta-submission-in-India/Clinical Trial Application (CTA), Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD), Marketing Authorization Application (MAA), Drug Master File (DMF), Prescribing Information (PI), Patient Information Leaflets (PIL), etc.

Medical and pharmaceutical research journals require exclusively structured manuscripts for publication of information obtained from original researches, meta- analysis, case reports and review of literature. Medical writing service providers prepare research articles, review articles, case studies, abstracts etc. Pharmaceutical organization and sales firms need promotional and educational literature and aids for their sale force that includes training materials, sales force training manuals, detailing aids, marketing slides and brochures.

Medical practitioners, healthcare professionals and paramedics are regularly updated and kept informed to recent updates and needed to be educated via continuing medical education. Medical writing services prepare technical educational material like posters & presentations for scientific meetings and conferences, slide presentations, continuing medical education slides, meetings and conferences, oral presentation etc. to keep the professionals well informed.

Other services provided include medical writing and editing books, articles for medical and healthcare websites and magazines, comprehensive and graphical educational material for patients like posters and visual information, concise synopsis of manuscript, slides, standard operating procedure (SOP) etc. they also provide services like statistical and meta-analysis, medical database management, literature search, product monograph preparation, editing, formatting reviewing and value addition to a variety of medical documents.

Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Management Clinical research organizations, pharmaceutical, medical and biotechnology organizations, healthcare professionals, researchers, medical and health science journals, electronic publications require medical writing services which is a mandatory demand of modern research oriented world of health science working under strict regulations. These services are doing a great help by effectively communicating the information, knowledge and data to target audience thus disseminating the information to the end users.


WorkSure® supports in providing Medical Writing services in planning, performing and communicating research through preparation of various clinical, regulatory and educational documents for pharmaceutical companies, biotech organizations, hospitals, clinical research organizations, medical diagnostic companies and other health communication agencies.