Investigating the molecular origin of diarrhea linked to COVID-19, scientists uncover possible remedies

Medical News by WorkSure

Science News, August, 2024: COVID-19 diarrhea is a common symptom in people who contract the virus, with up to half experiencing it. About 30% of those who develop long COVID will also experience debilitating symptoms such as chronic pain, brain fog, shortness of breath, chest pain, and intense fatigue. The virus attaches to ACE2 and TMPRSS2 enzymes in the intestine, which are present in the intestine. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have used enteroids, a model of normal human intestines, to study the mechanisms of COVID-19 diarrhea. They found that the gut cells’ protein expression and function were affected by the virus. The researchers also found that the inflammation linked to COVID-19 diarrhea may be similar to the inflammatory effects of COVID-19 in the lungs and other parts of the body. This suggests that testing the role of inhibitors of this response may be a way to treat COVID-19 diarrhea. The exact mechanisms of long COVID remain a mystery, but the next big question is to determine what allows the virus to live in the intestine and over a long period.